Name: Claire Duguid
Age: 41 years old
Favourite distance: Sprint triathlon but I think the middle distance Aquabike could soon be my favourite. Swim, bike, done!
Favourite race and why: This is a hard one. I have two! Grafman Half Ironman was a step up from what I was used to doing and I loved the challenge. My Dad and I entered this together for his 60th birthday and it was made extra special by him coming 3rd in his age group at the English Championships. My other favourite race was the ITU Aquathlon World Championships because it was the first time I represented GB in my age group.
Number one race or training tip: Being a podiatrist I see a lot of patients with injuries because they have done too much too soon. It’s so important to increase training load gradually and incorporate strength & conditioning into your training.
Coaching discipline(s) and level(s): BTF level one coach.